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Canvas and Online Learning at SC4

Accessing Online Courses: What to do on the first day of class

Login to Canvas

SC4 uses Canvas as the framework for hosting their online courses. Students must login to Canvas to access online courses or online components of face-to-face courses. Canvas can be accessed from within a student's portal. You will see a link to online learning on your portal home page.

Login to Canvas using your SC4 student email and your portal password.

Canvas Tutorial
When you login to Canvas, along with your current online class(es), you will see a link to the Canvas Orientation.  We strongly recommend that you take some time and go through the orientation tutorial.  It is optional, but understanding how Canvas is structured can make a big difference and help you avoid problems that may arise at the worst times, like right before a big assignment is due.

Enter your online classroom
Find the course you want to begin and click to enter the course.  You should do this on the first day or two of the semester.  It may be a bit confusing learning how to access your assignments and how to submit them.  There may be one or two things you are expected to complete and submit within the first week of class.  If you wait too late in the week to learn you need help, you may not get help in time.

Once you are in the online class, read the introductory notes from your professor.  They will likely want you to open and read the syllabus.  There will probably be a relatively simple assignment you must submit by the end of the week.  Read everything you can to make sure you know how the class is organized and when things are due.  Online classes are usually very strict on their due dates.
Get help with online classes Right Away! 
Too often students get behind in online classes because they say they don't understand how the class is organized, how to submit assignments or take quizzes, or they say the technology at home or on the website is not working.  

You should have no excuse for not succeeding in an online class if you start early on assignments and ask for help as soon as you sense there is a problem.  You can start by contacting a Blue Water Middle College staff member or by contacting your instructor or the Canvas helpline at 844-802-9399.  We and they are here to help! 

Succeeding in online classes

Succeeding in online college courses requires different academic behaviors and strategies than face-to-face college courses. With more and more courses and even entire college degrees offered online, being aware of and practicing those behaviors will help you succeed at high levels in your online courses.

Northeastern University's D’Amare-McKim School of Business’ Student Guide to Successful Online Learning covers fundamental concepts and strategies to help you be successful in your online courses. 

Student Guide to Successful Online Learning